DNS Guard

A powerful shield against malicious and unwanted traffic

Our DNS security solution ensures that malicious requests are blocked at the source, preventing threats from reaching your network or endpoints

Trusted by

+3 million

Requests processed every hour


Requests blocked every hour


Avg. response time

Prevent a DNS blindspot with in-dept metrics

Prevents a DNS blind spot

With DNS monitoring, compromised systems can be quickly detected, providing increased security visibility to protect your organization against potential threats. Don't let DNS put your company at risk.

All DNS queries are actively filtered

Easily enforce content web filtering

Block domains containing unwanted content using multiple categories, as well as create customized add/block lists. Gain full control over which sites your users can access.

Easily installed on any device your want

Deployed everywhere in minutes

A new approach to protect any device at any place in the world from cyber attacks.

View all your DNS queries in-dept

Gain in-dept visibility

By analyzing both incoming and upstream DNS requests, DNS Guard provides comprehensive protection against potential threats. With deeper insight and accurate threat analysis, you can protect your network from malicious activity.


Our pricing

Starting from 25 employees. All plans contain a 14-day free trial


Our most featured plan

€ 2.99/employee/month

Start 14-day trial
  • Everything from the Basic plan
  • Cache boost for improved performance
  • Windows Desktop Clients
  • Custom Block Page
  • 90-day log retention


Quality protection for each organization

€ 2.00/employee/month

Start 14-day trial
  • Threat Intelligence Feed
  • Block using filterlists
  • Block using categories
  • Configure based on IP-address
  • DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) support
  • Supports Apple Profiles
  • 30-day log retention


We have solutions for each setup and organization. Contact us for a custom quote.

€ quote

Start 14-day trial
  • All features on request

Ready to dive in? Start your free trial.

Frequently Asked Questions